Sunday, March 21, 2010

What can i do to stop my hair loss?

i know it's normal to lose hair but the amount of hair i lose scares me. Would using some kind of hair growth supplement work? like Boost hair vitamins, or hair formula 37? i'm only 15What can i do to stop my hair loss?
Losing hair can be based off of a lot of factors. If you are a male, it could simply be male-pattern baldness; however, females deal with this as well sometimes. Illness can make you lose hair (when I had mono, I lost hair like crazy) as well as stress (stress causes my hair to break sometimes). Make sure that you are eating well. Avoid heat-styling or any chemical processes such as perming or coloring. You may want to invest in a nutritional supplement. I have tried many over the years; my favorite right now is Nioxin Intensive Therapy Recharging Complex ($20 for 30 caplets at Ulta). While I have never used the Nioxin shampoos, I hear they are great for hair loss. They are a bit pricey, but can be purchased in salons (I know Ulta carries it).What can i do to stop my hair loss?
Try something SAFE - with Vitamin B6, Biotin, Magnesium, Zinc, Saw Palmetto and other natural ingredients. Apparently these are real good for your scalp and hair and seeing as you're so young it should be safer than using anything chemical BUT run it by your doctor to be sure?
Nioxin is a brand that has a formula that is proven to stop hair loss, and also helps it grow in thicker. You can find it in most salons, it is a 3 part system (shampoo, conditioner, scalp treatment). The scalp treatment is the part that actually stimulates the hair follicles to help the grow. You will see your scalp turn red and tingly... this is normal. This is what's getting into each hair follicle and stimulating it to help the blood flow to nourish each hair. Also, taking a multi-vitamin can also help. Good nutrition is key to healthy hair, skin, and nails!
You are correct in that you lose hairs every day. They all are supposed to re-grow a hair in a couple of months. The problem arises when the hair does not grow back in.

15 is a little young to be losing your hair. It does start in your teens, but usually isn't noticeable as being thinner until a few years later. I did some calculations, and at the normal rate of loss, it takes just a little over 7 years to have all your hair fall out. Losing hair and getting bald is a very slow process.

Sorry to tell you that there is nothing you can put on the hair or pills to take or techniques you can use that will make your hair grow in thicker. You cannot stop the hair loss now that it has started. It's too late now. It had to be done a few years ago.

For now, just enjoy that you have hair. It is not necessary for survival, and is an ';extra'; of no real use. It does not change you as a human, or as a person. There are worse conditions that can really cause you pain and discomfort.
Make sure you get to it in the early stages...My buddy at work is using Provillus and is seeing significant hair growth.
you have to go see a Professional hair Specials:)
Well first think about the fact that everyone looses about 50 to 100 hairs every day. Hair vitamins work but you will have to take them on the long run.
Your hair is what you eat. If you eat correctly and drink enough water, 80 percent of your hair problems are solved. Eat a healthy and a balanced diet rich in protein and minerals. Oil your hair regularly, include a lot of milk, almonds and greens in your diet and drink at least 12 to 14 glasses of water daily. Check out for more info.

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