Sunday, March 21, 2010

I have a huge amount of hair loss every day. What should i do to stop this, & to let it grow strong & Long?

You have a vitamin or mineral deficiency.

Go to a doctor and have blood work done.I have a huge amount of hair loss every day. What should i do to stop this, %26amp; to let it grow strong %26amp; Long?
About 100 hairs a day is normal....This is spring time and it is normal to see a bit more shedding at this time of year.....If you are really losing ';a huge amount'; should go have a check up with your doctor in that this could be a sign of an illness....If your hair is ling, 100 hairs can look like allotI have a huge amount of hair loss every day. What should i do to stop this, %26amp; to let it grow strong %26amp; Long?
stress is a major cause of hair loss, maybe you should go the dermotologist.. my sis went for the same problem, she was able to get a prescription and a shampoo that has helped her tremendously..
you may be malnourished and not getting the nutrients your body needs everyday. thats probably the cause of the hair loss. its stressing your body. so, eat right and use moisturizing shampoos. also, dont use heat styling products on your hair. let it go natural baby!
drink lots of water! When deprived of adequate water to sustain cell health and reproduction, the body becomes dehydrated, which directly impacts hair growth. hope this helps :)
See a dermatologist.

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