Sunday, March 21, 2010

What can I do to stop hair loss. I think it might be alpecia. If you have this are there any remedies?

I'm female balding right up top front. I will shave bald before I wear a wig. Not bald but so thin I can see my scalp in the very top front. Help. I have an appointment with a dermatologist at the end of July.What can I do to stop hair loss. I think it might be alpecia. If you have this are there any remedies?
I know this product worked wonders on my dad and I know it's supposed to work for women too, might be worth a shot to check it out.

www.provillushairhelp.comWhat can I do to stop hair loss. I think it might be alpecia. If you have this are there any remedies?
there are many .. natural one are the one which are recommended ...
A friend of mine just sent me a book he got for free, you can get that actually talks about the misconceptions of Alopecia (hair loss) and a bunch of tips on how to stop it -

Even though it was originally written for men, nothing in there is just for men, so I think it'll help.
Provillus for Women is designed exclusively as a women麓s hair loss treatment. Men's hair supplements tend to focus almost solely on lowering DHT levels. The ingredients in this supplement however are less one-dimensional. They focus on the whole range of complex issues involved in womens hair loss. It麓s not a cure-all exactly, but it does seem to attack most of the main causes.

Just one of the many herbal ingredients in this product is Horsetail. This is a fern like herb found in wet areas all over the northern hemisphere. It is an incredibly potent force against several of the causes of hair loss in women.

Lets look at some of these causes and how Horsetail can help.

-Weak and brittle hair that tends to split and break easily

Horsetail is incredibly rich in natural silica. This silica is easily absorbed by your body and very effective in strengthening not only your hair, but also nails and teeth. This is ideal for countering the thinning hair that women generally suffer from rather than the completely bald spots of men.

-Excess oil in the scalp

Horsetail is effective at removing excess oil from the scalp. This excess oil is no doubt sebum, which is produced by your sebaceous glands. Sebum is highly acidic and in excess amounts clogs and blocks the hair follicles. This,over time, causes hair to die and fall out. Not good!

-An imbalanced diet

Yet another way that horsetail helps with hair regrowth is by supplementing the bodies supply of selenium. This herb contains very high quantities of selenium which is essential for hair growth. We normally ingest enough selenium through the food we eat. However, an imbalanced diet, which all too many of us have, could mean you just aren't getting enough.

We can see from the above article that just one herb used in this product has a myriad of helpful functions. This is precisely the aim of Provillus For Women: to attack as many of the different causes of hair loss as possible. Visit the webpage how Provillus works, to know how this helps.
Alopecia areata is considered an autoimmune disease, in which the immune system, which is designed to protect the body from foreign invaders such as viruses and bacteria, mistakenly attacks the hair follicles, the tiny cup-shaped structures from which hairs grow. This can lead to hair loss on the scalp and elsewhere.

In most cases, hair falls out in small, round patches about the size of a quarter. In many cases, the disease does not extend beyond a few bare patches. In some people, hair loss is more extensive. Although uncommon, the disease can progress to cause total loss of hair on the head (referred to as alopecia areata totalis) or complete loss of hair on the head, face, and body (alopecia areata universalis).
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